"I am driven to be the inspirational leader I needed myself when I was 9

& baldness was judged shameful."

Kathi Tait - Baldwarrior

"I am driven to be the inspirational leader I needed myself when I was 9

& baldness was judged shameful."

Kathi Tait - Baldwarrior

"Yes. The tattoo hurt! But the pain was only something to endure because I was empowering myself to defy a lifetime of hair loss that I didn't choose.

Now I am fighting social norms so there is no longer a stigma."

2021 Rebel Rouser Award

2021 Making A Difference

My Story

Hi! Thanks for checking out my website. I'm Kathi Tait, born in New Zealand and lived in Australia since I was 7 in 1980. My story begins back then as one of my sisters was gravely ill with Leukemia and died in 1981. Fast forward about a year and my hair suddenly started falling out in great numbers forming bald spots.

Nobody really knew what was wrong, why it had happened but they had a name for it and a vague reason being 'stress'. I prefer the term trauma because that is the truth of the impact of losing a sibling.

Many years followed with hair loss, some years I grew some back, some it fell out more. Many, many trips to different doctors, some specialists, some alternative. I was experimented on over and over, some were chemicals that left permanent bald spots on my arms or turned my scalp into sores, some were regimes of vitamens & oils to swallow. I grew up believing I was a bit of a freak, certainly no one else in my small town had anything like it.

Even as I rode out my 20s, had a child, got a degree, worked many jobs and had the odd date I had built barriers around myself. Neither did I have any real inner peace because not only was I riding waves of hope and despair around whether my hair was growing or falling out, I was also deeply trapped in the social norm of bald being shameful.

The impact this had on me as the only mindset I'd ever known, having grown up with it from 9 years old, was damaging to say the least and led me to hide my shame under wigs for 30 years. Again thats 3 decades, 30 years! Of lying, hiding, keeping a secret, walking around pretending to be like everyone else but really living in fear of judgment.

There were many other impactful life events that shaped me too, the best of which has always been my son. My light when I nearly gave up, the rock that steadys me still and the inspiration to be the best version of myself I can be.

I started the Baldwarrior Movement in 2018 after finally finding my way into the light, shrugging off the secret, coming 'out of the closet' and being bald. I had to learn to stop caring about other people's judgment. I had to learn that I could find my own version of beauty and be that.

I want to be the person that other 9 year old child struggling with Alopecia needs. The amazing news is I am now. Let me tell you the story of Abbey...

Abbie is a beautiful 7 year old girl that has Alopecia Universalis. This means she has no hair at all including body hair and areas like eyebrows. This is one of 3 types of Alopecia that are grouped together. Alopecia Areata - patches of hair loss over head (how mine started), Alopecia Totalis where just the head hair is lost & Alopecia Universalis... all of it. There are quite a few other types of Alopecia as well by the way... This will be featured in my upcoming book "100 FACES OF ALOPECIA" which I am putting together this year.

Back to Abbie! Abbie's Mum reached out to me as Abbie asked if I could go to her school assembly for their annual 'Crazy Hair Day'. I remembered the days of my own primary school hosting 'Crazy Hat Day' and knew Abbie was feeling different to her friends.

I didn't know if I'd be able to make it. Abbie lived in Perth, Western Australia and at the time I was living in New Zealand and due to travel to the USA as well. BUT.. I thought hard about it and was inspired to go all in and see if we could raise the money to get me there! My son jumped straight on board and after about 4 weeks we raised enough funds to fly me over and also to make a video of the whole thing!!

I presented Abbie with a Baldwarrior tshirt on stage after delivering an assembly talk all about how the kids had super powers of their own. See the whole thing below! Abbie was delighted to be supported in such an amazing way, we had media cover the event and many teachers and parents came up to me afterwards to thank them for inspiring the kids.

I have to say it has been one of the highlights of the Baldwarrior journey so far. I became for Abbie who I needed when it happened to me. I made a difference. Thanks Abbie xx

I have had many adventures on this journey! See more below about my books, my stage speaking and my podcast, Bald and Blonde - Mindset Evolution. Our first season in 2020 saw us reach 23 countries in our first 23 episodes!


Empowering Personal Development Content

Made for Women.

By Women.

Come be WILD With Us!


On Stage

I've had many adventures over the last 3 years and one of the highlights was fundraising to go to Abbey's school assembly and speak to the kids about their super powers: HOW THEY MAKE OTHERS FEEL.


Since starting the Baldwarrior Movement I have travelled to Bali three times, to Fiji, New Zealand, Hong Kong, and to 5 USA states including Hawaii where I got my 2nd head tattoo.


The founder of Happiness Co Julian Pace is my mentor. I have seen him start this amazing social enterprise and grow it into an organisation that works with heart, truly impacting thousands of people. (Pictured left with Julian and above with my son Chris & his fiance Bec)

My Passion is our Podcast


A couple of years ago in 2019 I had the urge to start a podcast and get my ideals and passions out into the world. I wanted to do it with an amazing partner who had experience and training helping people with their mindset.

I put that intention out into the universe. In January 2020 I decided it was time to find that podcast partner. Within one month I did! Hear our story on episode 1: Who Are You? and episode 31: Trust.

Together Daisy Papp, International Excellence Coach living in Florida Keys, and I publish an episode of Bald and Blonde every week. We do long recording sessions every week as well, sometimes we are on the phone together for 5 hours! A lot of work, resources and effort go into producing our podcast but WE LOVE IT!!

Check out our website below and support us to help us deliver the best possible show forever!

Podcasts ~ Interviews ~ Speaking

My vision is to help everyone in the world be comfortable in their skin, to not feel abnormal because of cultural norms and to not be ostracised for being different from the mainstream. For me, this wasn't possible without complete self-acceptance and discovering the true freedom of living authentically.

My keynote is all about achieving self love and acceptance and showing the way to being the best version of yourself by turning your greatest challenge into your greatest asset!

I am happy to do virtual speaking engagements as well as in-person when able to travel again. I love appearing on online shows and podcasts as well and have been on 10 shows in 2020. See below to listen to any of them.

My Show Appearances 2021

Click on the graphic to listen

Magazine Articles 2020

Click on the graphic to open

From Overcoming Trauma To Finding True Freedom pp22-25

Learn to Love Your Uniqueness

Awards Won 2021

My 2021\22 Projects




This book recounts my life from my earliest memories to my lifelong dreams and the hardships I've faced, embraced and evolved from along the way.



A dozen inspiring women band together to create the Feminine Guide to Fearless Living and how they have each empowered others through their success.



A project dear to my heart and Daisy's (my podcast partner). We have taken our season one episodes and rewritten them into a book to boost your everyday mindset & growth.



This book has been in the planning & fermentation stage since 2018! This year I am going to finally put it together, a book full of self love & self acceptance to inspire the world.



It's been my great privilege to be asked to speak at Alopecia New Zealand's annual conference. This was originally planned for 2020 but postponed due to border restrictions at the time.

I'm excited to share my story with others living with Alopecia in the country of my birth. I hope to speak at more Alopecia Organisation events around the globe when travel is again possible.

Let's Connect!

If you feel like I'm your tribe come and join me in my Facebook group "Dream Life Creators Baldwarrior" where Daisy and I deliver the Dream Life Roadmap in 5 steps...

Or check out our podcast website, I'm super excited about the impact we are already having and can't wait to see who else we reach in 2024!

A huge shout out to the whole podcast team around the world:
Daisy - Europe/USA
Milos - Serbia
Christian - Puerto Rico
Trish & Chris - Australia
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